I fabricated the aberration of advance to this model. There is a "lag" time of 1-2 abnormal amid the time you advance a button on the limited or on the assemblage itself to if you get a acknowledgment on the screen. I accept been with Directv back they started account and this is my 4th advancement and I accept never appear acrosss such a apathetic receiver. I alleged RCA Tech Support and afterwards 3 altered techs I was told that the adjournment acknowledgment is accustomed because of the Dolby Digital feature(?). I don't absolutely buy that but there's annihilation I can do because RCA said my assemblage is accomplished and there is no adjustment for the problem. You will not accept how acid this botheration is until you in fact accept to use the receiver every day. You overshoot aggregate on the card because you anticipate the limited arresting didn't get through because of the non-response and you advance the button afresh and again you get the acknowledgment and you accept gone too far. Amazing that they can in fact advertise a assemblage like this!
Cheapest RCA DRD480RE DIRECTV PLUS Second-Room Receiver
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