Friday, December 31, 2010

Good DIRECTV R15 Receiver/Digital Video Recorder--Up to 100 Hours

I ordered the DIRECTV R15 Receiver/Digital Video Recorder--Up to 100 Hours and accustomed an email advertence that it had been shipped. Then if I emailed the agent to ask for a tracking/shipping amount he said that he didn't accept anymore and was actual apologetic but he would forward me out addition account that was commensurable for what I had already paid him. I didn't apperceive abundant about the artefact that I was acclimation and feel that this agent took advantage of my abridgement of knowledge. He beatific me a DirecTV TIVO HR10-250 HD-DVR Receiver aloft hooking it up it does not record it is apathetic and does not action the HD channels we have. Aloft speaking to Directv chump account they abreast me that what I accustomed is an earlier archetypal that does not accept acceptable superior and the adequacy for HD tv. Aloft contacting this agent to acknowledgment the artefact for abounding acquittance and alms to pay to address it aback to him I accustomed no acknowledgment and still haven't accustomed any advice from the seller.Good DIRECTV R15 Receiver/Digital Video Recorder--Up to 100 Hours

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